Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) is a State Corporation whose mandate includes
regulation of all matters related to plant health and quality control of agricultural inputs and produce among
The lead regulator and facilitator of globally competitive agriculture
To provide a science-based regulatory service by assuring quality of agricultural inputs and produce to promote
food security and sustainable development
Plant Import & Quarantine Regulatory System (PIQRS)
The Plant Import and Quarantine Regulatory System (PIQRS) is a Business to Government and Government to
business web based system designed to enhance efficiency in plant import regulation. PIQRS forms an integral
part of overall KEPHIS regulatory activities which ensure that imported Plants, Plant Products and regulated
articles entering into the country pose minimal Phytosanitary risk and environmental impact.
Anyone intending to bring plants, plant products and regulated articles into Kenya MUST obtain a Plant Import
Permit (PIP) from KEPHIS prior to shipment of such plants from the origin regardless of whether they are for
commercial purpose, duty free, gifts, experimental or research purposes.